Chinatown – A Taste of China in the West

Discover a taste of the orient when travelling in San Francisco by stopping by at Chinatown. With the notable characteristic of being one of the largest Chinese communities outside of Asia, this distinct area offers an astounding variety of attractions all with a Chinese flavor including magnificent architecture, shopping and more.

Historically it has played a significant part amongst Chinese immigrants to the United States often serving as a starting point upon their arrival in the nation. However its importance as tourist attraction is far greater and many travel to Chinatown to indulge in its offerings.

Major structures to be found here include the Bank of America, Sing Chong Building, and two Churches. The Bank of America is characterized by gold dragons on the structures columns and doors while there are 60 dragon medallions on its exterior which has made it one of the most distinct branches of the bank in the World. The Sing Chong Building was one of the first to be reconstructed after the 1906 earthquake and features yet another distinct facade that typifies the Chinese architectural style that is dominant in Chinatown.

The two Churches that can be found here are the First Chinese Baptist Church and Old St. Mary’s. Both have much to offer visitors with their magnificent architecture and variety of noteworthy highlights located inside such as plaques and other icons. These two churches were constructed as part of an effort by then US government to introduce Christianity to the populace of Chinatown and still stand proudly today.

When it comes to dining options Chinatown serves up a staggering variety of dishes that include everything from full scale Chinese restaurants cuisine to small coffee houses.

For those indulging in a short term trip residing in one of the Hotels San Francisco makes the most sense. San Francisco hotels will offer guests comfortable accommodation, a variety of amenities and a base from which to explore the famed city.

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