International Travel Jobs

Many of us are eager to go in for jobs which includes international travel and are lucrative in the long run. However, most of us think that working abroad is a huge task and finding such jobs is not everyone’s cup of tea. However, if you have the passion and desire to go for an overseas jobs, then finding one will not be a tough task if you follow the right tips and tactics. There are several international travel jobs which ranges from teaching English or working for an international airline or enlisting the services of Uncle Sam and there are still several other kinds of jobs which is available to all the interested and eligible people.

Foreign Service Jobs

Getting into the foreign service offers a remarkable career which is filled with overseas travel. However, in order to enroll into the foreign service, it certainly requires a lot of test taking skills and there is need to pass the Foreign Service Exam as well. The best part of being a part of Foreign service is that the officers are stationed at embassies and consulates throughout the world which give ample of room for international travel. Many a times the first few postings will be in parts of the world that you have never heard of but later on these officers will get chance to live at the world’s posh cities such as London, Paris, Buenos Aires and Singapore and they have got several unique benefits attached to their profession such as housing, paid R&R and home-leave, and top-notch schooling for kids.

English Teacher

Native English teachers are in great demand the world over and TEL has gained rapid momentum in the recent years. Some of the parts of the world such as South Korea, China and South-east Asia require just a bachelor’s degree in the subject whereas other parts of the world require more qualification and experience for becoming an English Teacher.

Airline Employee

One of the exciting ways to travel overseas on a routine basis is to be a part of any international airlines which is a great way of exploring international soil. Being a pilot or a cabin crew member is not an easy task but when you are not on your duty, you get time to be at the most luxury hotels and enjoy extravagance and lavishness at its best which is a great thing in itself.

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