Sometimes understanding why you want to do something is as important as actually doing it. Motivational speaker and does personal development trainer Jack Zufelt says that knowing your reason why is more important than actually setting goals. So I thought in this article we would talk about why you want to make money and work at home.
Here is a list of 10 reasons that I’ve come up with
1. At the top of the list is people want to quit their job and stay home and make money working. The Internet makes it possible for you to do that.
2. Another reason people want work at home is to make extra money to help pay bills. They might do this on a part-time basis as well as work their full-time job.
3. If you have kids, you can probably come up with a very lengthy number of reasons to work at home. Kids are expensive for sure.
4. As your kids grow up it can get even more expensive when some people want to work at home to make extra money to pay for their children’s college education. This is now running thousands of dollars per year.
5. Maybe you want to finish your basement or do other home improvements. That’s a good reason to make extra money working at home.
6. If you have ever watched the travel channel, you begin to quickly see how many places there are that you’ve never been. Traveling is a great reason to make extra money.
7. Some people want work at home to supplement their retirement income. Only so many people can go work at McDonald’s or Wal-Mart after they quit their full time careers.
8. Working at home can save money on expenses that you would spend going to work. For example, you no longer have to buy clothes, or even pay for the high price of gasoline commuting back and forth to work.
9. You may not like the boss you currently have, but when you work at home for yourself you are the boss! Many people dream about the day when they are their own boss.
10. The freedom to make your own choices is a very powerful reason to work at home. You choose when you want to work, when you want to stop, when you go on vacation, when you come home, and so on.
This is 10 reasons why people want to make money working at home. Do any of these apply to you or do you have your own list?